This one is REALLY easy! Me and my Dad are absolutely OBSESSED with the show black books. I’ve also gotten my best friend Steph into the black books action and we now are constantly texting or facebooking each other with random black books quotes. “I want a herb garden” is said by Manny and is said in such a serious way that cracks me up every time and eventually I started saying it randomly :) My mum ended up getting me a herb garden for my birthday. So now I have a herb garden!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Day 1 - A recent picture of yourself and 15 interesting facts abuot yourself.
1. I used to be vegetarian, but no longer am.
2. I am obsessed with the colour green.
3. At aged 14 I became an aunty.
4. I have been lucky enough to travel all round Australia, and to parts of Europe and Asia.
5. I had a massive phobia of dogs, which I successfully overcame.
6. I have 4 siblings. A brother and 3 sisters.
7. I want to move to Melbourne when I've finished school and study at university.
8. I have participated in: tennis, soccer, athletics, softball, basketball, netball, cross country, gymnastics, ballet, hockey, jump rope...i think that's all!?
9. I would love to one day own a dog. Either a golden retriever, husky, labrador or border collie.
10. I am very lucky to be a babysitting to some lovely little girls.
11. My first name (Nicole) means Victorious and my middle name (Catherine) means Pure. I like this :)
12. My hair is naturally dead straight.
13. I don't really like water. I don't like interracting with sea life.
14. I LOVE plane flights!
15. I'm literally addicted to eating frozen peas and jelly belly jelly beans.
green. aunty,
jelly belly,
Monday, December 27, 2010
This Time For Africa
After reading a book in which I wish to leave nameless, my mind has been opened to new possibilities. For so long I've been upset with my life and thinking it isn't going anywhere, but I've realised that if I want my life to go somewhere, I have to be the one to open myself to new opportunites. I can't depend on people to do it for me. Realising this excited me as I am now constantly thinking of new hobbies I can take up and events I can attend. I no longer feel like I am anti-social and trapped. I don't know what set me free exactly, but something happened and now I'm so happy and optimistic about life. My mind feels FREE and I can do whatever I want now :)
I am now really looking forward to the year ahead as I have many exciting things planned.
On another note, I am not one to dance sober, but anytime time Waka Waka is pumping and I'm standing up, I feel obliged to jump around like mad. I'm not sure if you would classify it as dancing, but it changes me and send goosebumps up my arms whenever I hear it! Great song <3
I am now really looking forward to the year ahead as I have many exciting things planned.
On another note, I am not one to dance sober, but anytime time Waka Waka is pumping and I'm standing up, I feel obliged to jump around like mad. I'm not sure if you would classify it as dancing, but it changes me and send goosebumps up my arms whenever I hear it! Great song <3
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas!
I hope everybody had a lovely day.
Christmas for me has always been a tiring, emotional day. I think it's because it's a really full on family day and I get really worn out very fast. By this time of night (9.30pm) I'm very much ready to curl up in bed and have a cry. I don't know why, but this always happens. It's not because I'm upset, it's just and overwhelming amount of emotions compacted into one day, and crying usually expresses my emotions.
There were probably more things. But I can't remember right now. For once, I didn't ask for a big present, as I literally couldn't thing of any electrical appliance that I didn't own or that didn't need updating. It's so weird getting SO many things off you Christmas list, apart from just one big thing.
I am a very lucky girl ;) And still have more Christmas celebrations to come!
Merry Christmas!
I hope everybody had a lovely day.
Christmas for me has always been a tiring, emotional day. I think it's because it's a really full on family day and I get really worn out very fast. By this time of night (9.30pm) I'm very much ready to curl up in bed and have a cry. I don't know why, but this always happens. It's not because I'm upset, it's just and overwhelming amount of emotions compacted into one day, and crying usually expresses my emotions.
I had a lovely day today, did the present thing in the morning, lunch at my gran's and dinner with my sisters, their partners and my adorable nephew Lucas. I've never spent time with my nephew on Christmas day and I can't remember spending time with my sisters either on today's Celebration. So this year I've had a very special Christmas :)
This year was not about the presents for me, all I wanted was a nice and relaxing family day, and luckily, that is what I got :)
I also got:
- 2 wii games
- 2 cds
- Clothes
- 7 books
- A LOT of jewellery - mainly all green
- A LOT of make up and body products
- MONEY! :)
- A gift voucher
- Chocolates
- Two beautiful silver photo frames
There were probably more things. But I can't remember right now. For once, I didn't ask for a big present, as I literally couldn't thing of any electrical appliance that I didn't own or that didn't need updating. It's so weird getting SO many things off you Christmas list, apart from just one big thing.
I am a very lucky girl ;) And still have more Christmas celebrations to come!
Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Christmas Realisation
I think I've definetly grown up this year. For once I have felt more adult around Christmas time. I've been working a lot around this time and because of this, I have no spent a lot of time getting into the Christmas spirit. I also did my Christmas shopping in November because I knew this month would be busy for me. Today certainly doesn't feel like Christmas Eve. We have the tree and presents going on and I'm currently looking at them, but it's just feeling like a regular day to me. For once, I'm not really excited about Christmas, but relieved that it's finally here and that I get a day off working. Although, I reckon I will be more excited tomorrow :)
I'm looking forward to tomorrow as I get to spend the day with my family, and hopefully for once it won't be a stressful period for us. I'm not phased about what I receive. I'm lucky enough to be going on holiday to the Gold Coast in a couple of weeks anyway. I'm just concerned that we all have a pleasant and relaxing day. My family have been run off our feet running our shop in these last few weeks, and we all deserve a break.
I'm about to make a Christmas Vlog as well if you'd like to take a look - 10is4eva (my youtube account) - my photography blog
I wish everyone a beautiful Christmas with whomever you spend it with. :)
I'm looking forward to tomorrow as I get to spend the day with my family, and hopefully for once it won't be a stressful period for us. I'm not phased about what I receive. I'm lucky enough to be going on holiday to the Gold Coast in a couple of weeks anyway. I'm just concerned that we all have a pleasant and relaxing day. My family have been run off our feet running our shop in these last few weeks, and we all deserve a break.
I'm about to make a Christmas Vlog as well if you'd like to take a look - 10is4eva (my youtube account) - my photography blog
I wish everyone a beautiful Christmas with whomever you spend it with. :)
Friday, December 17, 2010
Some people are just TOO cool.
This is a rant. Let me begin in dot point form (in season colours)
Have a Merry Christmas!
Duck of my life, Nikki :)
- DON'T employ people who can't speak proper english! For heavens sake, I tried to buy 1 sushi roll today, asked a simple question and I'm not even joking, after asking her to repeat herself 3 times, I gave up and bought a different sushi roll, as I just couldn't understand her. Turns out it was the wrong sushi roll. Seriously, if you are going to employ extra people around Christmas time, WHY would you employ people who most wouldn't be able to understand. At this time of year, people want fast service and quick, easy to hear answers. I'm not trying to offend Asian people, but I feel if they are going to work in Australia, they should at least learn plausable english.
- Just because they are public toilets, doesn't mean you can spend 10 min in there with your friend gossiping and putting on your make up. I mean sure, there's probably not really a rule about it, but I think it's unfair. This toilet is semi public as it's in a cafe place, but I think there should be some sort of rule about the usage of the toilets. I knocked after 5 minutes of waiting and was replied with "out in a sec darl," 5 min later I swore at them and stomped off to find a new toilet.
- If you have a problem with the way I dress or look, don't make it obvious and point me out and then talk to our friend. You don't know, so don't judge me. If you do know me and have a problem with me, say it to my face.
- Don't question the prices I give you. It's not my fault your spending so much money, don't question that I've put it in the system wrong or that I haven't given you a discount. Because 99% of the time I'm right. I spend a lot more time in the shop than customers and I am much more a custom to our discounts. Also, I fricken pay attention!
- So, I love Christmas time. But I absolutely HATE town at Christmas time. People go crazy and it's so busy. At the same time, the sales at Christmas time are amazing and it's so hard to resist.
Have a Merry Christmas!
Duck of my life, Nikki :)
merry christmas,
public toilet,
Saturday, December 11, 2010
I have realised today that I am very lucky to be a babysitter. Of course I have spent so many nights bored and stressed whilst babysitting, but really I am really very blessed. Being part of someone's life is a beautiful thing. There is one girl that I have babysat for over a year now, since she was 9 monthes old. I babysit her very often, and over time I have seen her change and develop. We have gone through our rough patches as she has gone through many periods of changes. But whether it being the first time she crawled, the first time she walked and the first time she talked. I have been there close to the time that all these things have happened.
Today something remarkable happened. She said my name! She walked up to me, looked up and said "Nikki". I was so honoured! She has a limited vocabulary and for her to know who I am and be able to say my name was so touching. I have spent countless hours with her and she has made me so happy. Today, she made my day.
She is such a gorgeous girl and she is now a very proud big sister :) I can't wait to get to know her little sister soon too!
Duck of my life,
Today something remarkable happened. She said my name! She walked up to me, looked up and said "Nikki". I was so honoured! She has a limited vocabulary and for her to know who I am and be able to say my name was so touching. I have spent countless hours with her and she has made me so happy. Today, she made my day.
She is such a gorgeous girl and she is now a very proud big sister :) I can't wait to get to know her little sister soon too!
Duck of my life,
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
So I bought a new big notebook. I would take a picture of it, but my camera isn't charged :( But it is really cool, and the front of it states the following:
"This is my note book, which I will fill with lists, thoughts, dreams, love letters, scribbles, doodles and other shit." - Pretty much somes up my life.
I want to include lots of photography to inspire me with my writing. I definetly think I need to build up my confidence when writing, and explore alternative techniques.
I'm really excited about this :)
I've recently posted 2 new videos on Youtube - (unedited of course) - go check them out :) - 10is4eva
My new photography blog is going really well as well :)
Keep it real,
Duck of my life,
"This is my note book, which I will fill with lists, thoughts, dreams, love letters, scribbles, doodles and other shit." - Pretty much somes up my life.
I want to include lots of photography to inspire me with my writing. I definetly think I need to build up my confidence when writing, and explore alternative techniques.
I'm really excited about this :)
I've recently posted 2 new videos on Youtube - (unedited of course) - go check them out :) - 10is4eva
My new photography blog is going really well as well :)
Keep it real,
Duck of my life,
Saturday, December 4, 2010
I was bored, and googling people I know. I came across a blog of somebody I know. She was not someone I had imagined blogging. But it was amazing. It was simple, angelic and beautiful. She puts up photography and small annotations. It absolutely inspired me to pursue my own photography.
I have now started a new blog, dedicated to my photography.
(I was in a bit of a Harry Potter mood)
I now want a new, better camera.
But yes, after seeing this one blog, I was absolutely inspired by the beauty and simplicity of life.
Duck of my life,
Youtube Account: 10is4eva
Follow/Read at your own please
I have now started a new blog, dedicated to my photography.
(I was in a bit of a Harry Potter mood)
I now want a new, better camera.
But yes, after seeing this one blog, I was absolutely inspired by the beauty and simplicity of life.
Duck of my life,
Youtube Account: 10is4eva
Follow/Read at your own please
duck of my life,
harry potter,
Friday, December 3, 2010
Doing Something Different Each Day of December
So this month I was going to do something different each day. But yesterday I simply didn't have time to learn how to tune and play my GREEN ukulele :) Today I'm making sand bottles which I feel will be very challenging. If I have time left after making the sand bottles and making my video about them, I may try out my ukulele.
This is just a quick post about my ideas for December. I want to do it to make my holidays seem more interesting as I'm no going away on holidays. I don't want to waste my holidays on TV and the internet.
Feel free to follow me and my progress :)
I also make daily videos on Youtube about the things I'm doing each day in December.
My Youtube acount: 10is4eva
Duck of my life,
This is just a quick post about my ideas for December. I want to do it to make my holidays seem more interesting as I'm no going away on holidays. I don't want to waste my holidays on TV and the internet.
Feel free to follow me and my progress :)
I also make daily videos on Youtube about the things I'm doing each day in December.
My Youtube acount: 10is4eva
Duck of my life,
Thursday, December 2, 2010
2022 Soccer World Cup
So it was announced yesterday that Qatar would host the 2022 Soccer World Cup. Being an Australian and a soccer lover, I should probably be disappointed, but after comparing the videos of the Australian and Qatar campaigns, I have to agree with the decision at hand. Australia's video was corny, poorly put together, and showed successful Australian (such as Cathy Freeman and Ian Thorpe.) It showed nothing about how much Australian's love their soccer and how big a part it plays in so many young Australian's lives. After seeing the video last night, I was left thoroughly disappointed in the end result. I decided then that we did not deserve to win the bid, as we looked greedy and boastful.
I don't know much about Qatar, but from some of the campaign commercials I have seen, they have proven to me that they are a soccer loving country. Their commercials had the exact content that Australia's SHOULD have had. It will also be a boost for Qatar's soccer and (hopefully) economy. I also liked the idea that after the world cup, they will be donating their soccer stadiums to less fortunate countries. I think this is a really nice idea and shows the connection they have will their neighbouring countries.
Last night I thought about who I would like to host the world cup out of the five candidates. My personal preference would have been Japan. As I will be 28 at the time, it will probably be a perfect opportunity to go to the world cup, as I have always wanted to. I absolutely adore Japan so going there to the world cup would have been wonderful. Alas, it is being held in Qatar, which now interests me and I am seriously considering going :)
Duck of my life.
So it was announced yesterday that Qatar would host the 2022 Soccer World Cup. Being an Australian and a soccer lover, I should probably be disappointed, but after comparing the videos of the Australian and Qatar campaigns, I have to agree with the decision at hand. Australia's video was corny, poorly put together, and showed successful Australian (such as Cathy Freeman and Ian Thorpe.) It showed nothing about how much Australian's love their soccer and how big a part it plays in so many young Australian's lives. After seeing the video last night, I was left thoroughly disappointed in the end result. I decided then that we did not deserve to win the bid, as we looked greedy and boastful.
I don't know much about Qatar, but from some of the campaign commercials I have seen, they have proven to me that they are a soccer loving country. Their commercials had the exact content that Australia's SHOULD have had. It will also be a boost for Qatar's soccer and (hopefully) economy. I also liked the idea that after the world cup, they will be donating their soccer stadiums to less fortunate countries. I think this is a really nice idea and shows the connection they have will their neighbouring countries.
Last night I thought about who I would like to host the world cup out of the five candidates. My personal preference would have been Japan. As I will be 28 at the time, it will probably be a perfect opportunity to go to the world cup, as I have always wanted to. I absolutely adore Japan so going there to the world cup would have been wonderful. Alas, it is being held in Qatar, which now interests me and I am seriously considering going :)
Duck of my life.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
So I actually bought Eclipse at a spur of the moment thing as it was at a really cheap price. After watching Eclipse again, I've realised that the movies are very similar and tend to begin and end quite the same. I think I only like Eclipse because of the introduction of the newborns and how they act. I've come to realise that the wolves, newborns, Cullens and Volturi interest me more than Bella and Edward's love story. I would love for the movies to include more in depth about these things instead of the love story. Learning visually about Jasper and Rosalie's backgrounds in Eclipse is really cool and is one aspect of why Eclipse is my favourite Twilight movie so far.
Duck of my life ;)
Follow me!
Duck of my life ;)
Follow me!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
My School Holidays
So today is my first day of school holidays. I want to write down some goals for these holidays. Because usually I have everything running all through my head and my goals never eventuate to much. I want to make the most of these holidays, as the next 2 years are going to be a lot of hard work.
- Lose 5 kilos. I know how much I weigh and I know how much I want to weigh. In these next 10 weeks I want to safely lose a kilo a fortnight.
- Work 100 hours in my parents wine shop. Again with the 10 weeks of holidays, 100 hours equivilates to 10 hours of work a week.
- Get my L plates and start driving! - I'm going for my test tomorrow.
- I want to learn how to cook 7 different dinner dishes (1 for each day of the week)
1. Pasta Bake
2. Spaghetti Bolganese
3. Sushi
4. Crumbed Chicken Breast
5. Stir-fry
6. Lasagna
7. Risotto
- Read 20 books. (2 books per week) But knowing me I'll read more. I'm going to start up my book blog again.
- Do my own NaNoWriMo, but I want to write 50,000 words in 10 weeks. (Takes the pressure off a bit)
That's about it right now. I want to lose weight, read, write, cook, earn money and have some fun :)
- Lose 5 kilos. I know how much I weigh and I know how much I want to weigh. In these next 10 weeks I want to safely lose a kilo a fortnight.
- Work 100 hours in my parents wine shop. Again with the 10 weeks of holidays, 100 hours equivilates to 10 hours of work a week.
- Get my L plates and start driving! - I'm going for my test tomorrow.
- I want to learn how to cook 7 different dinner dishes (1 for each day of the week)
1. Pasta Bake
2. Spaghetti Bolganese
3. Sushi
4. Crumbed Chicken Breast
5. Stir-fry
6. Lasagna
7. Risotto
- Read 20 books. (2 books per week) But knowing me I'll read more. I'm going to start up my book blog again.
- Do my own NaNoWriMo, but I want to write 50,000 words in 10 weeks. (Takes the pressure off a bit)
That's about it right now. I want to lose weight, read, write, cook, earn money and have some fun :)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Suddenly so busy
My life is currently hectic. So busy that I have to write this really fast then get offline cos I have homework. Athletics, babysitting, work etc is on this week and I'm so tired and sore!
Today I had athletics all day, and being sore from training all week certianly did not help. Discus was the biggest fail of my life. I did better in shotput so I'm happy with that. I was official photographer of the day.
ehh I have no time to write! goodnightt
duck of my life
Today I had athletics all day, and being sore from training all week certianly did not help. Discus was the biggest fail of my life. I did better in shotput so I'm happy with that. I was official photographer of the day.
ehh I have no time to write! goodnightt
duck of my life
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
I have manners. I always have and I always will. I also appreciate and take in what I get taught from my peers.
When I take time out of my day to help people, I expect at least some manners or common courtesy in return. Not shitting me around like I was today. I don't know why I even bother sometimes. I'm not getting any respect.
F**cking duck of my stressful life
When I take time out of my day to help people, I expect at least some manners or common courtesy in return. Not shitting me around like I was today. I don't know why I even bother sometimes. I'm not getting any respect.
F**cking duck of my stressful life
Monday, October 4, 2010
Just Quickly
I hate the beginning of day light savings. It screws up my sleeping pattern (and not just by an hour) Thismorning I didn't get to sleep until 1am and I had to get up at 5.30am for athletics (joys of my life). So pretty much I'm dead and I swear this happens every year. But after I get over my tiredness, I'll be happier and appreciate the lightness we have now been given :) My sister and I stayed out on the trampoline until 7 this arvo and took like 100 photos, they are so awesome.
The thing is, I don't have much more to say. It's a duck situation about how boring this is.
I will say that I'm pissed because the internet on both the computer and the wireless for the laptop are both incredibly slow and annoying me so much.
Until tomorrow,
Duck of my life
The thing is, I don't have much more to say. It's a duck situation about how boring this is.
I will say that I'm pissed because the internet on both the computer and the wireless for the laptop are both incredibly slow and annoying me so much.
Until tomorrow,
Duck of my life
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Free Stuff
With the pleasant weather upon us, I have taken the time to go out into the sun and appreciate the happiness it brings. The sun makes me feel strong, pleasant and satisfied. Although I feel more depressed in the cold weather, I strangely like it and even welcome it sometimes.
This weekend has taught me the value of what the world offers us for free. Most weekends I spend either in town or at the markets with my friends. But this weekend I spent with my sister at the beach, park and my school fair. It showed me how much happiness a change in my life can bring as I would not normally choose the park over shopping and I wouldn't choose either to go with my sister. But I feel happier now on a Sunday night than I have in a long time.
What I'm trying to say is that there are so many free things out there that I can honestly say I take for granted. Changing up my weekend was the perfect way to reflect on my life right now and gave me some peace. It was also a lot cheaper and I got more exercise from walking to and from places.
Next weekend we are planning as a family to go to my shack. In the past I have regretted this because there is no internet, telephone or indoor bathroom. But this time I'm going to embrace what the shack offers and appreciate where I live in the world. I will post pictures next week :)
Duck of my life
This weekend has taught me the value of what the world offers us for free. Most weekends I spend either in town or at the markets with my friends. But this weekend I spent with my sister at the beach, park and my school fair. It showed me how much happiness a change in my life can bring as I would not normally choose the park over shopping and I wouldn't choose either to go with my sister. But I feel happier now on a Sunday night than I have in a long time.
What I'm trying to say is that there are so many free things out there that I can honestly say I take for granted. Changing up my weekend was the perfect way to reflect on my life right now and gave me some peace. It was also a lot cheaper and I got more exercise from walking to and from places.
Next weekend we are planning as a family to go to my shack. In the past I have regretted this because there is no internet, telephone or indoor bathroom. But this time I'm going to embrace what the shack offers and appreciate where I live in the world. I will post pictures next week :)
![]() |
Christmas 2007 at my shack |
Friday, October 1, 2010
Tara the Tramp
I went through a fad earlier in the year of naming significant objects. When we got our trampoline, I named her Tara the Tramp. Not because I think Tara is a trampish name, it just fit and I love it :) Through the monthes of owning a trampoline, I have mentally noted some of the benefits of having one. Here are some:
1. Probably the best reason for owning a trampoline is because it is a great source of exercise (without getting very puffed out) A person who is 60kg burns approximately 220 calories an hour. You pretty much don't even realise you're exercising.
2. For me, it's a place that I can go for some time to myself without actually leaving my residence. Sometimes I just need to get away from people and give 15 minutes to myself to think and contemplate. I have made many hard decisions whilst lying on my trampoline.
3. My sister and I have spent more time together actually communicating. This has led to easier communication inside the house as well and I feel we are now closer :)
4. And lastly, it's fun! It's so much fun going so high, making routines and learning new tricks. I love taking my friends and family on it :)
4. A photo of the last place you went on holiday
Duck of my life
1. Probably the best reason for owning a trampoline is because it is a great source of exercise (without getting very puffed out) A person who is 60kg burns approximately 220 calories an hour. You pretty much don't even realise you're exercising.
2. For me, it's a place that I can go for some time to myself without actually leaving my residence. Sometimes I just need to get away from people and give 15 minutes to myself to think and contemplate. I have made many hard decisions whilst lying on my trampoline.
3. My sister and I have spent more time together actually communicating. This has led to easier communication inside the house as well and I feel we are now closer :)
4. And lastly, it's fun! It's so much fun going so high, making routines and learning new tricks. I love taking my friends and family on it :)
Duck of my life
A post about the weather
It's so sunny here. For Tasmania it is so rare for it to be warm, sunny, not windy and it's not Summer! I should be outside, basking in the sun, but I tried that before and got a headache. I might go for a walk, to the beach and get an icecream. Hopefully everyone will be inside watching the Grand Final instead of invading the beach. I should really do some homework. But what to start with? Maths? English? Japanese? Business?...I might go with English, it's the easiest. This post is boring because I'm bored. Sorry!
(p.s.) turns out my jelly was melon flavoured...
Duck of my life
I admit, I do regret staying up til 4am thismorning on the net, and I don't know why, but I really just felt like it! I ended up getting around 6 hours sleep, which I guess is pretty decent. Of course I'm daily-boothing right now and also youtubing.
It's been suggested to me by many people who have read this that I should switch to tumblr as you apparently get more followers and hence (and hopefully) more readers. So I'm taking that into consideration and may join up later today if I'm heavily procrastinating with my homework. Which, I admit, is bound to happen. But it'll get done, because it always does :)
I also think I'll do some cooking today. I feel like baking a cake and sharing it with my family for dessert :) I'm going to look up recipes now...I made lime jelly last night and I'm about to go upstairs and see how it turned out. I'll re-post with my sucess/unsucess in the kitchen.
3. A photo that makes you happy
Duck of my life
It's been suggested to me by many people who have read this that I should switch to tumblr as you apparently get more followers and hence (and hopefully) more readers. So I'm taking that into consideration and may join up later today if I'm heavily procrastinating with my homework. Which, I admit, is bound to happen. But it'll get done, because it always does :)
I also think I'll do some cooking today. I feel like baking a cake and sharing it with my family for dessert :) I'm going to look up recipes now...I made lime jelly last night and I'm about to go upstairs and see how it turned out. I'll re-post with my sucess/unsucess in the kitchen.
Duck of my life
Self Inflicted Insomniac
So I'm starting this at 1:38am Saturday morning as I don't feel like sleeping and I have nothing better to do. I am actually obsessed with dailybooth now and have posted like over 20 photos tonight. I can't believe I'd never heard of it before! I think it's a great concept and idea and I can't wait to use it everyday :) What I think I'm looking forward to most is being able to look back at it in a few monthes time and see all my pictures. It'll be like an online photo album! I actually love it. I completed 5 more photos of my list of 30 photos to put up on dailybooth. Number 2 is: A photo of yourself a year ago. Here it is:
If you know me personally, you know that I have a very silly personality and I love acting childish. This was at Julz's going away party and I was in the middle of a waterfight :)
I have also just realised that I've had one earphone in my ear for the last hour without listening to any music or youtube. But I think I'll keep it in there because I like it :)
I'm trying to plan what I'm going to do for the rest of the day as I haven't done anything interesting all week. But right now I think I'm just going to be staying at home sleeping and catching up on homework (as if it's going to happen). I don't actually think I can bring myself to endure another grandfinal. But I'm saying now that I reckon Saints will win by about 3 goals. But I want Collingwood to win.
Duck of my life
If you know me personally, you know that I have a very silly personality and I love acting childish. This was at Julz's going away party and I was in the middle of a waterfight :)
I have also just realised that I've had one earphone in my ear for the last hour without listening to any music or youtube. But I think I'll keep it in there because I like it :)
I'm trying to plan what I'm going to do for the rest of the day as I haven't done anything interesting all week. But right now I think I'm just going to be staying at home sleeping and catching up on homework (as if it's going to happen). I don't actually think I can bring myself to endure another grandfinal. But I'm saying now that I reckon Saints will win by about 3 goals. But I want Collingwood to win.
Duck of my life
1st of October - Happy Birthday Charlie McDonnell and Jimmy Carter (personal joke)
So I went back to school today after 6 days off sick. It's always so weird coming back to school after a period of being unwell. Things feel so out of place and I'm never used to not being able to eat or do whatever I want whenever I want. It's different to coming back from school holidays as everyone is going through the same withdrawal symtoms. But today, as I have felt of many occassions, I felt low and out of place. My day actually ended up pretty well as it was pretty cruisy and I have found I'm not as behind on my work as I thought I was!
I have found a website (again thanks to Lucy SJ) that excites me a lot.
Pretty much a website where you upload pictures and follow other people's pictures. I'm really excited to use it and have found a 30 picture thing of which I want to follow:
1. Your facebook profile photo
2. A photo of yourself a year ago
3. A photo that makes you happy
4. A photo of the last place you went on holiday
5. A photo of you
6. A photo that makes you laugh
7. A photo of someone you love
*8. A photo of your favorite band/musician*
9. A photo of your family
10. A photo of you as a baby
11. A photo of your favourite film(s)
12. A photo of you
13. A photo of your best friend(s)
14. A photo of one of your favourite family members
15. A photo of you and someone you love
16. A photo of you at the last party you went to
17. A drunk photo of you
18. A photo of one of your classes
19. A photo of you on a school trip
20. A photo of something you enjoy doing
21. A photo of you standing up
22. A photo of your town
23. A photo of your friend as a baby
24. A photo of you that your hair looks nice in
25. A photo of a night you loved
26. A photo of your favourite weekend
27. A photo of last summer
28. A photo of what you ate today
29. A photo of someone you find attractive
30. A photo of you when you were happy
I've done the first one and am posting the picture with this post.
(It's of me, my nephew Lucas and my brother Jeremy)
Well that's all for today, I just made lime jelly and have to wait another 3 and a half hours to let it set. I'm contemplating cooking some dinner as my parents aren't home yet. But I think I'd rather youtube.
Duck Of My Life
I have found a website (again thanks to Lucy SJ) that excites me a lot.
Pretty much a website where you upload pictures and follow other people's pictures. I'm really excited to use it and have found a 30 picture thing of which I want to follow:
4. A photo of the last place you went on holiday
5. A photo of you
6. A photo that makes you laugh
7. A photo of someone you love
*8. A photo of your favorite band/musician*
9. A photo of your family
10. A photo of you as a baby
11. A photo of your favourite film(s)
12. A photo of you
13. A photo of your best friend(s)
14. A photo of one of your favourite family members
15. A photo of you and someone you love
16. A photo of you at the last party you went to
17. A drunk photo of you
18. A photo of one of your classes
19. A photo of you on a school trip
20. A photo of something you enjoy doing
21. A photo of you standing up
22. A photo of your town
23. A photo of your friend as a baby
24. A photo of you that your hair looks nice in
25. A photo of a night you loved
26. A photo of your favourite weekend
27. A photo of last summer
28. A photo of what you ate today
29. A photo of someone you find attractive
30. A photo of you when you were happy
I've done the first one and am posting the picture with this post.
(It's of me, my nephew Lucas and my brother Jeremy)
Well that's all for today, I just made lime jelly and have to wait another 3 and a half hours to let it set. I'm contemplating cooking some dinner as my parents aren't home yet. But I think I'd rather youtube.
Duck Of My Life
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sober October
I blog for myself. I don't care if nobody reads this, because I do it more for myself than other people. But I am going to set myself the challenge of blogging everyday of October.
I was told yesterday of 'Sober October'. Pretty self explanatory I reckon, and a good idea I guess (not going to be too great for my parent's shop). But it will be good for people's health. If I were of the legal age of drinking, I may even consider doing it myself. Alas I am not, and I don't drink, but I am still setting myself a challenge. So yeah, I'm going to blog everyday as I need to practice my communicational writing. Plus, I like challenging myself :)
My reward if I win: I WILL buy the first season of Bones (as I put it off everytime I walk into JB)
On another note, I have recently found many youtubers that I love and I have a totally new appreciation for youtube.
Those included are:
But of course I still love my Charlie and Alex :)
Random Fact Of My Life:
My favourite flower is the Rose. I think red roses are beautiful and symbolic.
Duck of my life
I was told yesterday of 'Sober October'. Pretty self explanatory I reckon, and a good idea I guess (not going to be too great for my parent's shop). But it will be good for people's health. If I were of the legal age of drinking, I may even consider doing it myself. Alas I am not, and I don't drink, but I am still setting myself a challenge. So yeah, I'm going to blog everyday as I need to practice my communicational writing. Plus, I like challenging myself :)
My reward if I win: I WILL buy the first season of Bones (as I put it off everytime I walk into JB)
On another note, I have recently found many youtubers that I love and I have a totally new appreciation for youtube.
Those included are:
- fiveawesomegirls (thanks to Lucy SJ)
- owlssayhoot
- italktosnakes
- elmify
- wheezywaiter
- hexachordal
- ijustine
But of course I still love my Charlie and Alex :)
Random Fact Of My Life:
My favourite flower is the Rose. I think red roses are beautiful and symbolic.
Duck of my life
Friday, September 10, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
I feel different.
I'm so glad second term is over.
I HATE second term.
It's cold.
It's wet.
There are no sports that interest me.
And there's so much work.
It makes me depressed.
And sick.
I go to Sydney in 9 days.
The sun will do me good :)
And so will the fun times ahead
Which I shall be sharing with Lucy :)
Even though I don't look it
Duck of my life,
I'm so glad second term is over.
I HATE second term.
It's cold.
It's wet.
There are no sports that interest me.
And there's so much work.
It makes me depressed.
And sick.
I go to Sydney in 9 days.
The sun will do me good :)
And so will the fun times ahead
Which I shall be sharing with Lucy :)
Even though I don't look it
Duck of my life,
Thursday, August 19, 2010
I'm sick of being sick
I can feel a new cold coming on.
Thanks bro.
This is shite.
I'm always sick.
wwww - from sof
I guess it could be worse.
I've never been realllllly sick.
I'm very lucky :)
Duck of my life
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
I haven't blogged in a while..I don't have a lot to say but I felt like typing because I like the sound of it. And I'm insanely bored even though i'm watching the above.
I hate it when I don't know the answer to game shows. I hate it when they only ask questions about like before I was born. Hence why I like TAYG - cos I'm a gen Y gal. (ok never say thAt again)
Anywho. Whatevs. I'm so bored.
Eh - what a shithouse blog. barstard...
Duck of my life
I hate it when I don't know the answer to game shows. I hate it when they only ask questions about like before I was born. Hence why I like TAYG - cos I'm a gen Y gal. (ok never say thAt again)
Anywho. Whatevs. I'm so bored.
Eh - what a shithouse blog. barstard...
Duck of my life
Monday, August 2, 2010
Hold your tongue
Dear ***
You infuriate me so much
Everyday, you go about your way to annoy and enrage me
You lie, manipulate and contradict yourself day after day.
You are unfair, and don't see other people's points of view once you get worked up
It's so hard to try and stay angry with you
You get away with it too easily
I can't stand you
duck of my life
Dear ***
You infuriate me so much
Everyday, you go about your way to annoy and enrage me
You lie, manipulate and contradict yourself day after day.
You are unfair, and don't see other people's points of view once you get worked up
It's so hard to try and stay angry with you
You get away with it too easily
I can't stand you
duck of my life
Friday, July 30, 2010
Don't Judge a Wheelchair By It's Recipient
Because sometimes people surprise you and get up out of their wheelchair and walk around in front of you.
This is no metaphor - it happened right in front of me.
But seriously, don't judge people by their appearances because nobody is perfect, and it's just not very nice. And hey, people can always surprise you, and those surprises may be pleasant :)
Duck of my life
This is no metaphor - it happened right in front of me.
But seriously, don't judge people by their appearances because nobody is perfect, and it's just not very nice. And hey, people can always surprise you, and those surprises may be pleasant :)
Duck of my life
Thursday, July 29, 2010
1 piece of cake landed me my new friend
This is for Maddy, my new friend
The title is rather self explanatory. I love my friends and I love making new friends. A facebook status and a piece of cake introduced me to my new friend, Madeline Jane Salter. And for that I am truely grateful, because she is amazingly awesome and a down-to-earth person that I love talking to.
Many criticize facebook as many of the friends you have aren't usually people you would talk to in real life and at times it has been dangerous for people. Bit of stranger danger.
But I thank facebook a lot for it's existence, because now I have a new friend :)
Maddy, I promise to also try new recipes and always share my cooking with you.
Duck of my life
The title is rather self explanatory. I love my friends and I love making new friends. A facebook status and a piece of cake introduced me to my new friend, Madeline Jane Salter. And for that I am truely grateful, because she is amazingly awesome and a down-to-earth person that I love talking to.
Many criticize facebook as many of the friends you have aren't usually people you would talk to in real life and at times it has been dangerous for people. Bit of stranger danger.
But I thank facebook a lot for it's existence, because now I have a new friend :)
Maddy, I promise to also try new recipes and always share my cooking with you.
Duck of my life
I considered writing a blog for a week. For that whole week, I made mental notations in my mind about what I would write about and how I would go about my blogs. I feel as though I have so much to say, but as soon as I actually create a blog and sit down to write, I've got nothing. In other words, I'm speechless.
Okay, after looking on facebook for something to rant about, i've finally found something...
So my rant of the day/night:
I HATE facebook statuses that people write that obviously don't make sense to anybody unless you ask the person about it, especially if the status includes "fml" because that's just attention seeking. My only exception: when your 1,000 word Macbeth essay gets erased - that deserves an "fml" and at least I wrote in my status what it was for.
Duck of my life
Okay, after looking on facebook for something to rant about, i've finally found something...
So my rant of the day/night:
I HATE facebook statuses that people write that obviously don't make sense to anybody unless you ask the person about it, especially if the status includes "fml" because that's just attention seeking. My only exception: when your 1,000 word Macbeth essay gets erased - that deserves an "fml" and at least I wrote in my status what it was for.
Duck of my life
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Me Likey
TV Shows I like:
Grey's Anatomy
Black Books
Movies I Like:
Love Actually
Kick Ass
Sean Of The Dead
Harry Potter(s)
Singers I Like:
Florence and the Machine
David Bowie
Alex Day
Kate Miller-Heidke
Paul Kelly
Bands I Like:
Birds of Tokyo
Cute is what we aim for
Death Cab for Cutie
Foo Fighters
Machine Gun Fellatio
The Sundance Kids
The Temper Trap
Vampire Weekend
Websites I Like:
Foods I Like:
Jelly Beans
Frozen Peas
Hot Chips (Blue Strawberry)
Drinks I Like:
Diet Coke
Freshly squeezed OJ
Blackcurrant Juice
Authors I like:
Laurie Halse Anderson
J.C. Burke
Kathy Reichs
Patricia Cornwell
Darren Shan
James Patterson
Anthony Horowitz
Colours I Like:
Things I (at this moment in time) Dislike:
Duck of my life
Grey's Anatomy
Black Books
Movies I Like:
Love Actually
Kick Ass
Sean Of The Dead
Harry Potter(s)
Singers I Like:
Florence and the Machine
David Bowie
Alex Day
Kate Miller-Heidke
Paul Kelly
Bands I Like:
Birds of Tokyo
Cute is what we aim for
Death Cab for Cutie
Foo Fighters
Machine Gun Fellatio
The Sundance Kids
The Temper Trap
Vampire Weekend
Websites I Like:
Foods I Like:
Jelly Beans
Frozen Peas
Hot Chips (Blue Strawberry)
Drinks I Like:
Diet Coke
Freshly squeezed OJ
Blackcurrant Juice
Authors I like:
Laurie Halse Anderson
J.C. Burke
Kathy Reichs
Patricia Cornwell
Darren Shan
James Patterson
Anthony Horowitz
Colours I Like:
Things I (at this moment in time) Dislike:
Duck of my life
Tears Are Salty
I've never fully understood crying...
I know it's a human way of showing emotion, but it confuses me.
At times, I don't even want to cry, but the control is not there.
Other times, I have the massive urge to cry, but alas, no tears.
I find it weird, that wet stuff can come out of our eyes when we feel strong enough emotions.
I cried tonight.
Over something so small and meaningless.
But it happened.
The tears are gone now.
They did nothing to help.
Duck of my life
I know it's a human way of showing emotion, but it confuses me.
At times, I don't even want to cry, but the control is not there.
Other times, I have the massive urge to cry, but alas, no tears.
I find it weird, that wet stuff can come out of our eyes when we feel strong enough emotions.
I cried tonight.
Over something so small and meaningless.
But it happened.
The tears are gone now.
They did nothing to help.
Duck of my life
I'm Going To Dye My Hair Blonde
For those who know me, I'm quite deaf and often miss key words in sentences and therefore mis-interpret a lot of things that people say. But I hate those times, where someone has obviously misheard something and thought someone else has said something completely different, and even thought they know that's not what they said, they still go: "did you say (such and such)"
But anyway, it's just a little rant that goes on inside of me everytime it happens. Admittedly I think I do it a lot, which completely contradicts my first ever post, but whatevs.
Duck of my life
But anyway, it's just a little rant that goes on inside of me everytime it happens. Admittedly I think I do it a lot, which completely contradicts my first ever post, but whatevs.
Duck of my life
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