Thursday, December 2, 2010

2022 Soccer World Cup


So it was announced yesterday that Qatar would host the 2022 Soccer World Cup. Being an Australian and a soccer lover, I should probably be disappointed, but after comparing the videos of the Australian and Qatar campaigns, I have to agree with the decision at hand. Australia's video was corny, poorly put together, and showed successful Australian (such as Cathy Freeman and Ian Thorpe.) It showed nothing about how much Australian's love their soccer and how big a part it plays in so many young Australian's lives. After seeing the video last night, I was left thoroughly disappointed in the end result. I decided then that we did not deserve to win the bid, as we looked greedy and boastful.

I don't know much about Qatar, but from some of the campaign commercials I have seen, they have proven to me that they are a soccer loving country. Their commercials had the exact content that Australia's SHOULD have had. It will also be a boost for Qatar's soccer and (hopefully) economy. I also liked the idea that after the world cup, they will be donating their soccer stadiums to less fortunate countries. I think this is a really nice idea and shows the connection they have will their neighbouring countries.

Last night I thought about who I would like to host the world cup out of the five candidates. My personal preference would have been Japan. As I will be 28 at the time, it will probably be a perfect opportunity to go to the world cup, as I have always wanted to. I absolutely adore Japan so going there to the world cup would have been wonderful. Alas, it is being held in Qatar, which now interests me and I am seriously considering going :)

Duck of my life.

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