Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wish me luck for my week ahead!

I feel....content!
For once I'm not being overwhelmed by an emotion (good or bad). I've had a really nice week and weekend and I'm feeling organised and in control of my life. I have a lot on this week, and usually on a Sunday I would be freaking out. I have a big sport science test tomorrow, a japanese conversation tues, a 5min english oral on tues and a kanji test on thursday. It's going to be big, but I'm looking forward to the challenge.

There were periods of time last year where I had a massive workload as I do right now and absolutely freaked out and lost the plot, but I have learnt through time and experience how I work and study well. I also currently have the motivation to carry on with my study because I want to suceed. I've realise to suceed, I need to work hard. And sometimes when I work hard, I don't have time to worry about the things in life that get me down.

So even though I have a very big week ahead of me in which my expectations in the results I recieve will be high, I'm ready for it and i'm ready to embrace it. I also know that if I don't do well, I will have ample opportunities to improve my marks over the year.

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