Saturday, May 7, 2011

A change in my blog?

So I've going back and reading some of my old blog posts, and have realised that they are all about me and my views/beliefs. Which isn't a bad thing because it has helped me to understand what kind of person I am. To be honest, I've suprised myself. I look back and actually can't believe what I wrote a couple of monthes ago. It just doesn't even feel like it was me who wrote it.

Really I write to myself. Everyone has different styles of writing that they prefer reading. But it's impossible for me to please everybody, so instead, I write the way that I like reading - and hope that some people will like it too! This is why when I look back at my old blog posts, I can easily read them and enjoy them.

I can't even remember where this blog post was going, there was a point I was trying to prove, but I think I've gone a bit off topic. I think I've been trying to say that my blog has really helped me in a way that people can't, but I've also realised that perhaps it could help others who need more help than me. I haven't had any solid ideas on this, so I'll start on some brainstorming.

I've also been thinking about whether I should change the way I write my blog posts to make it more appealing to people - but I don't think I should, as it wouldn't be me.


  1. Take it from someone currently relocating all of their articles to date: don't do it. It's a long, laborious process, and you end up with precisely what you started with.

  2. Yeh I thought about it last night - creating a whole new blog, but I really can't be stuffed! Perhaps I shall just write about different things instead.
