Sunday, June 5, 2011

Today I'm Grateful For...

I used to get upset by the fact that I lead such a privileged life, when millions of others don't. I felt horrible when seeing all those ads on tv with those starving children, ads that would be shown whilst eating dinner. I used to hate myself, for feeling so much guilt. I didn't think it was fair, and I didn't think I deserved. Now those ads just motivate me.

Now I look at things in a different manor. I was told a couple of months ago that there is no point being upset at myself because of other people's misfortunes, because being upset isn't going to help anybody. Instead, I should make the most of living the life I do and try and help people. When I was told this, everything just clicked. I realised how foolish and self-centred I'd been about the whole thing. I also realised that the privileged tend to be the ones who make a difference in the world, for the better.

I saw a segment on television yesterday on celebrities who do charity work. I wondered why all celebrities don't do charity work, being rich and influencial, they could make a change. But I later realised that some people are selfish and take what they have for granted. I also don't know whether they do or not. Just because their donating or charity work isn't featured in the news, doesn't mean they don't do it.

Anyway, I want to make a positive difference during my time here. It doesn't have to be huge, just something that will satisfy me, and hopefully make me feel like I've accomplished something. I have a few little projects I'm working on right now to do so, which I'm sure I'll blog about in the future :)

Also, I've started a gratitude diary - stole the idea off Oprah! Pretty much I write at the end of each diary post what I'm grateful for that day. Today I'm grateful for my brother Jeremy. Although he annoys me to tears sometimes, he makes me laugh in a way that no one else can.

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