The world is beautiful. But it is not the man-made beauty that I see. Man has somewhat destroyed what was given to us, what we are lucky enough to have. I wish I could go back in time, and see what the world used to look like, before anyone was alive. I would like to see what Sandy Bay, my suburb looks like. I can’t even imagine what it would look like, and although Sandy Bay is beautiful now, I’m sure it would have been even more wonderful back before the human race began.
I feel like I’m just surviving, not actually doing anything in this world. Sure I write and talk and interact with people, but it just doesn’t feel like it’s enough. I am surrounded by people who love me, and yet I am constantly lonely. My world is swirling around me and I can’t get it to stop. I look up, I look down, I look sidewards, everything and everyone are rushing past, like in the movies, but this time it is real. I feel like I could just sink into the ground I’m sitting on, just melt away to nothing.
In reality, the life I live is going to be amazingly short compared to how old the Earth is. And one day I am sure, that we will not be here. Chances are something will happen, something will go wrong and we will be no more. No one will remember me as there will be no one living to think, to breathe, to be alive. So really, I should be lucky that I am here, right now, talking to myself. Words will always retain their power, no matter how long ago they were spoken, they will be remembered. I will remember you.
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